Biology: The Living World

Image with three different elements related to biology and scientific study:  Top left: A child is looking into a microscope, possibly examining a biological sample, indicating a hands-on learning experience or educational activity involving microscopy. Bottom left: Several animal skulls are being held and displayed, likely for educational purposes, possibly illustrating comparative anatomy or zoology studies. Right side: A young plant sprouting in soil, suggesting a focus on botany or plan

Do animals and plants fascinate you? Come check out our collection of animals models and skeletal animal remains. Look at life in a new perspective…under a microscope! Check out different plants, animals and object under the microscope. Be like Jack, and plant your own beanstalk to take home and watch it grow towards the sky!

Location information

Campus: Polytechnic
Location type: Room
Room or location: 201
Indoors or outdoors: Indoors
Building Floor: Second Floor

Other details

Zone: Zone A: Polytechnic


Area of Interest


Target Age Group

All ages

College or Department

College of Integrative Sciences and Arts

The College of Integrative Sciences and Arts at Arizona State University is reorganizing to better serve students and meet the needs of the East Valley community around ASU’s Polytechnic campus. The new model, with three new schools, will boost the college’s identity as a distinctive arts and sciences college, grow affinity among students and faculty through applied learning, better align with the rest of the university and increase efficiency. The three new schools consist of The School of Applied Professional Studies, The School of Applied Sciences and Arts, and The School of Counseling and Counseling Psychology.

Learn more